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Consistency with Wizard Alex

Consistency is a word that will always be associated with your health and fitness. You will constantly hear it throughout your journey from your peers, coaches and trainers.

We all know that it means to do something over and over, day to day, week to week. Which sounds boring, and will be, if you aren't working toward a goal of your choice.

I'm not consistent with everything in my life. I do have goals in certain aspects of my life though. My fitness goals require me to act a certain way and adopt certain behaviors because of those goals.

Some of those behaviors require refinement within my thought process. That refinement won't be perfected the first time I apply them. So, in order to continue refining and learning, I have to constantly do what I'm trying to get better at.

Through consistency, also comes confidence. If you're staying consistent with the work or effort you're putting into your fitness journey you will be more confident in yourself and your abilities.

It's called the compound effect. And I have a quote that perfectly embodies what consistency means.

"Rome wasn't built in a day. But everyday they were laying bricks."

Don't take the small consistent efforts for granted. What "bricks" are you laying today?

My "bricks" for the day:

-Eat my meals


-Train clients

-Drink water

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